Week 9 0lbs lost {8lbs total} Welcome to Phase 3. The finally stretch is upon me. I'm feeling overwhelmed and sad that I only have 2 weeks left of this program. I've really been enjoying working out {one thing I never thought I'd ever say}. This week the workouts were seriously no joke!!! I don't say that sarcastically. I felt like I was in boot camp, after finishing my first set of reps I was drenched in sweat! I really had to dig deep to push through them. Also after I finished my intense weight training supersets/active rest {the worst} I then had to do 30 mins of HIIT cardio. My condo gym doesn't open until 6am so because I workout in the mornings the weight training takes up most of my time so I had to do the cardio in the evenings after work. 30 minutes doesn't seem like alot but it was killer. I sort of failed the entire week for cardio, I don't think I made it the entire 30 mins of HIIT the most I did was 20 and walked the rest of the time. Like I said its NO JOKE!!
As for the food this week same as last weeks next week I begin carb cycling which I'm completely terrified of.

Week 10 -1 lb lost {9lbs Total} WHOA 2 weeks left after this! {also only 2 weeks left until we leave for Thailand ahhh 😄} So where to begin, This week has been completely different then the rest in the program first off I'm really struggling with the HITT cardio- :30 second sprints/:30 seconds off/on it’s safe to say I HATE cardio. Also my husband was working days this week and was at home in the evenings so I found going back to the gym at night to do my cardio even harder as it was taking away time spent with him. I'm going to be honest I skipped cardio on day 68 & 69 ahh I know I'm the worst but I made up for it on day 70 and even on my rest day 71 I did both 1.5h of hot yoga and cardio those days. Lets talk Carb Cycling- This week I started carb cycling and I will continue for the remaining 2 weeks as well. Carb cycling was challenging but wasn't really as difficult as I thought it was going to be because I planned my meal menus and macros out before the week begin and also plugged my foods into my 'Lose It' app, I found it was more mental knowing I had to limit my carb intake in tale it actually made me crave carbs when I really hadn't consumed that many previous. The hardest part was just getting in enough calories without going over the rest of my macros.
Here's what my macros looked liked,
High Carb Day
50% Carbs
20% Protein
30% Fat
Low Carb Day
20% Carbs
50% Protein
30% Fat
Eventually I figured it out hoping I will be able to handle the next 2 weeks.
If you don't follow me on instagram I suggest you do so as I post progress updates over there. Friday I decided to post this picture because the past few weeks I've been really working hard on my back and the results are awesome I'm so proud of myself. I still have a LONG way to go BUT I can start to see more changes.

Check back in two more week for yet another bi weekly update. You can also follow me on Instagram to see my updates. @ashleajasper