Monday, December 31, 2012

We Tied the knot! Oct 6th, 2012

We finally did after a long two year engagement.

Hands down BEST day of my life!

The other day I checked the mail and there it was... a package we had been waiting a looooong 10 weeks for. Our professional wedding photos!!! Ekkk I was soooo excited I couldn't wait for J to get home from work so we could look at them together (I had to take a peek). So here they are.


Sunday, December 30, 2012

We have ourselves a Blog!

Hi there I've been completely obsessed with reading mama/baby blogs lately I'm not sure where this baby fever has come from maybe its because I'm a newlywed I dunno but it's sooo crazy. anyone else feel me?

Anyways Christmas just pasted and thank goodness its over blah I really wasn't feeling it this year maybe its because we didn't get any snow here until 3 days ago and we sure got hit hard I'm just thankful it came after all our travelling we had to do. It was so nice to visit with the inlaws and my family as well havent seen anyone of them since the wedding

While we were at J parents house we decided it would be a fun Christmas eve to shoot beebee guns in the garage well, guess we got a little but carried away and started shooting each other whoops lol

heres the result of getting shot in the back of the knee. Guns are not cool kids!!!

Here are a few pictures of my sisters kiddies. J and I bought my nephew the cutest sweater last Christmas (he would beg to differ) he threw a huge temper tantrum and refused to even try it on so we took it home and kept it. This year we thought it would be fun to re wrap it back up and see if maybe this year he'd change his mind and would like it. NOPE! We couldn't have been more wrong. He still hates it lol guess it will be a new gag gift to continue to wrapping up each year until he out grows it. :) mwah

J new sunglasses :)