Monday, December 30, 2013

Out With the Old

Cheers to a New Year!!!

I'm not sure about you but I just have this really great feeling about 2014, I'm not quite sure what it is that seems so excting but I sure can't wait for the new year to begin.
Do any of you set goals or resolutions going into the new year? Please share your goals or resolutions in the comments. 

My 2014 Goals are;
• less judgmental
• be more positive
• workout more

I wanted to say goodbye to 2013 and hello to 2014 by looking back at my favorite memories, with highlights from each month.
Most of these discoveries I had posted on instagram, {unnecessary documentation. check!} and some I dug up from preview blog posts.

J a n u a r y - The long 8 hour drive to Frankenmuth with J's Grandparents
F e b r u a r y - Valentines day with the husband

M a r c h - Our big move into the city
A p r i l - Taking my niece to a Jays game and uncle Jeff catching a ball for her
M a y - Winning seat upgrades to the TD Comfort Zone {and other cool prizes} with my in laws
J u n e - Being {This} close to Taylor Swift & Completing my first 5k race
J u l y - Spend the weekend with my Niece in the city

A u g u s t - Patio season

S e p t e m b e r - Weekends with friends

O c t o b e r - Celebrating our honeymoon, 1 year anniversary And Halloween fun with our family

N o v e m b e r - Our trip to Chicago & My sister graduating college

D e c e m b e r - Experiencing my sister and brother in law's first time on an airplane.

Merry & Bright

so, we had a really beautiful and magical Christmas. the whole thing was just spectacular from start to finish.

It started with the late(er) {two an a half hour} drive to my sisters house Christmas eve hoping to make it before Christmas morning. Jeff had worked that afternoon well, we both worked but I mean I wouldn't call Bailey's in my coffee while spending time at the office really work {just kiddin that was last week} actually, I woke up very sick that morning but still went to work because I had a few things I needed to finish up before the holidays and I only had to stay till noon. actually worked {airports don't slack around Christmas time}. 
The first thing we did upon crossing the threshold of my sister's home that night was dispatch ourselves striaght into the kitchen to make some hot cocoa, watch the grinch and let the kiddies open their Christmas pj's. We were hoping we wouldn't be up till 3AM helping wrap a mountain of gifts as per the norm in that house but we were, sort of! Most of the gifts were wrapped however last minute ones seemed to keep popping up out of know where. 

We started our morning {Bright and Merry of course, at 6am} with the kiddies knocking on all the bedroom doors. After the stocking were open, Waisting no time at all the kids got right to it and began picking out gifts from under the tree for everyone. 
△△These were pj's for Jeff & Ryan {clearly the package was labeled with the wrong size}△△
△△My 10 year old nieces made this picture. △△
△△ Brodie made grandma a craft at school and wraped it in a Mr Freeze box △△

After we digested breakfast everyone seemed to wonder off and nap. 
Later, while giving mama a full makeup makeover in between attempting to bake homemade sugar cookies with my sister dinner was finally ready. We enjoyed a turkey dinner with all the trimming. 

Merry 'Christmas eve-ish'! {I put Christmas eve in quotations because its actually Dec 27th but we're celebrating our Christmas with the in laws} one of favourite traditions at my in laws is to watch 'A Christmas Story' the night before our Christmas morning. Jeff's parents let us open stocking and one gift the night before. The one gift we opened this year was onesies. 
△△ how cute do we look? △△
△△ We all got these delicious lip blam flavours in our stocking. △△


We always have such a great time just hanging out and relaxing with family in front of the fire. We opened presents in the morning followed by a delicious breakfast served with warmed up Jack Daniels; Winter Jack.  
△△ Dad had a swig while cooking breakfast △△
Later that evening after we enjoyed yet another turkey dinner we gathered around the dinning table to play '5 secind rule' a game we recieved as a gift from my sisters family.
Also heres my husbands beard update for December. I'm thinking I may start blogging a monthly beard picture to see his progress. {mind you I'm not really too pleased with it but ya know!} 
I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas filled with family and fun.  Thank you so much for reading.


Friday, December 20, 2013

5 on Fridays

It's FRIDAY... AND only 4 more days till the big guy comes down the chimney's!!!

This is my second time linking up with these lovely ladies ,Carolina Charm, Hello Happiness, The good life blog and a. liz adventures for their "Five on Friday" Linkup.
Let me jump right in to the things I'm loving

- O N E - Apple Cinnamon Tea


- TWO - Hot Cocoa with Cinnamon AND Coconut milk

Bring coconut milk to a simmer on the stove top, add hot cocoa mix to your mug, add some cinnamon, pour the hot milk in your mug, stir and Enjoy! Tell me that ain't the best dang thing your ever tasted.
- THREE - Breaking Bad

OK I know I'm a little late on this one but Netflix has got the best of us. The husband and I have been binge watching were only on the 3rd season so no spoilers please :)
- FOUR - Ice Skating 

Love Canadian winter only for this reason, we can skate outdoors.

- FIVE - Headbands Trend